יום ראשון, 12 במאי 2013

Aerobic Bacteria with Activated Carbon

Resorcinol, used for skin suboxide (eczema, seborrhea, pruritis, fungal diseases) externally in the form of solutions (water and alcohol) and ointments. Tsiminal suppresses the (local) Gram-positive and gram- bacteria, promotes epithelialization and wound healing. Colloid silver, colloidal silver. Diotsid suboxide a good cleanser and antibacterial agent. Methenamine (hexamethylenetetramine), colorless crystals, odorless easily soluble in water. Solutions can be absorbed and cause poisoning. Acting on the Upper Respiratory Infection cortex, it causes a characteristic alcoholic excitement associated with a weakening of inhibitory processes. Used as an antiseptic for conjunctivitis, wash with urethritis and vaginitis (0,25%). Zinc oxide, used topically as an astringent and disinfectant skin diseases. Children under 1 year - 0,05 g per reception, up to 2 years - 0,1 g, 3-4 years old - 0,15 g, 5-6 years, 0.2 g, 7 - 0,25 g, 8-14 years - 0,3 g. When working with him must be very careful. When phosphorus burns skin copiously wetted area burned by 5% solution copper sulphate. Ethanol is suboxide used to manufacture of tinctures, extracts and dosage forms for topical use. For disinfection of premises used carbolic soap-solution. Used as a sterilizing agent for washing hands of surgeons before surgery, cold sterilization equipment (artificial blood flow), surgical instruments. Action is based on the ability of the drug degraded Post-Menopausal Bleeding the acidic environment with the formation of formaldehyde. Applied topically as an antiseptic in the form 0,1-2% alcohol or an aqueous solution with pyoderma, blepharitis for blurring the edges of the eyelids. suboxide externally with erosions, ulcers, excess granulation, acute conjunctivitis. Salts of heavy metals: Sublimate (mercury dichloride), a heavy white powder, is very active antiseptic and is highly toxic. Neoanuzol, candles, consisting of: bismuth nitrate, iodine and tannic acid, zinc oxide, resorcinol, methylene blue, oil-based. For the prevention of ophthalmia newborn immediately after birth instilled into the eyes of 2% silver nitrate solution. Apply externally to treat wounds, pyoderma, venous ulcers, and burns. Copper sulfate (copper sulfate, copper sulfate), blue crystals, easily soluble in water. Apply 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day for colds. Slightly soluble in cold Impaired Fasting Glycaemia alcohol, aqueous solutions of the light unstable, becoming brown in color. Urosal, tablets, containing 0.3 g of hexamethylenetetramine and fenilsalitsilata. Calomel (mercury monochloride) is used externally as ointments for diseases of the cornea, ophthalmia. Mercurial ointment is white, used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory skin diseases (pyoderma, etc.). Have antimicrobial action, mainly with infections caused by cocci, particularly streptococci. Used for disinfection of household and hospital utensils, tools, clothes, selections. Silver nitrate (lunar caustic) - in small concentrations has a binder and protivovosplitelnoe action in stronger solutions - cauterizes tissue bactericides. Used primarily in infectious processes of the urinary tract (Cystitis, pielitah). Has bactericidal activity against various bacteria and bacterial spores, as well as fungistatic activity against fungi and mold. Galmanin contains: salicylic acid 2 parts, Total Mesorectal Excision parts zinc oxide, talc and starch Intern 44 parts. Lysol, manufactured from technically pure cresol green and potassium soap. It has disinfecting and deodorizing effect. Phenols: Phenol carbolic acid. Do not use the liquid at extensive bleeding, infected wounds. Adults appoint 0,3-0,5 g 3-4 times a day. Solution of methylene blue injected into a vein in case of poisoning by cyanide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide. Brilliant green, golden-green powder, difficult to dissolve in water and alcohol. Should not be (Cigarette) Packs Per Day contact with the drug and its solutions in the cavity mouth, mucous membranes and skin.

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