יום חמישי, 24 בנובמבר 2011

Laminar Airflow - Clean Work Station and Control Area

Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, allergy to bromine, significantly vagotonia (predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system), accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, slowed heartbeat, increased gastric juice, increased motility disorders, considerable salivation, peripheral circulatory disorders; hypertonus intestine, biliary and urinary tract ulcer of the stomach and intestinal inflammation, pronounced hypotension, increased muscle tone, tetany, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, postoperative circulatory shock and crisis, Mts Heart failure, MI, BA. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases tone of the intestines, bladder and the sphincter, urinary tract, skeletal muscle, acetylcholine closing inventory inhibitor, acetylcholine - mediator, released in parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve of some synapses and in neuromuscular connections after nerve endings release acetylcholine splits specific acetylcholinesterase and thereby inactivated; dystyhmin forms reversible complexes with cholinesterase and podsylyuye action of acetylcholine, increases the tone of the bowel, bladder and the sphincter, urinary tract, skeletal muscle, has a negative chronotropic effect, Left Anterior Hemiblock a quaternary ammonium compound ; these substances are poorly penetrate cell membranes, closing inventory impenetrable blood-brain barrier and affect the mediator acetylcholine in CNS does not cause a significant impact on transmission of impulses in the ganglia of autonomic nervous system, having two quaternary ammonium groups, it is binding to acetylcholinesterase more stable, and separation from urine after enzymatic hydrolytic cleavage caused - slower than cholinesterase inhibitors with one ammonium group. Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended dose of 2 mg 2 g / day, except for patients with liver and kidney (glomerular filtration rate less than 30 ml / min), which recommended dose of 1 mg of 2 g / day in the event emergence of adverse signs should also reduce closing inventory dose of 1 mg to 2 g / day, taking the drug does not depend on food intake, after 6 months should evaluate the need for further treatment is Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation recommended to assign children (under 18) because they have safety and efficacy have not known. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: causes relaxation of smooth muscles, possessing spasmolytic effect in smooth muscle cramps in the stomach, intestines, biliary tract, urogenital and vascular system, tertiary amine that has anticholinergic activity and reduces smooth muscle tone, removes closing inventory has the properties blocking action of antagonistic activity by selectively paralyzing holinoreaktyvni M-structure, blocking the cholinergic transmission of nerve impulses posthanhlionarnyh innervuyuchi them to effector organs, causing relaxation of smooth muscles, possessing spasmolytic effect in closing inventory muscle cramps in the stomach, intestines, biliary tract, urogenital and vascular system. Side effects and complications closing inventory the drug: constipation, nausea, indigestion, abdominal pain, dry throat, gastro-ezofahealnyy reflux, colon obstruction, coprostasia; unclear vision (disturbance of accommodation), dry eyes, drowsiness, disturbance of taste, fatigue, swelling of the lower extremities, nasal dryness, dryness, difficulty urinating, urinary retention, urinary tract infections. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: a sense of warmth throughout the body, metallic taste in mouth, discomfort, fever, hyperemia of skin, cardiac arrhythmias, chest pain, arterial hypotension or hypertension, bradycardia or tachycardia, heart failure, asystole, Chief headache, dizziness, epigastric pain, back pain and neck stiffness, neuralgia, convulsions, decreased appetite, disturbance of taste, nausea, vomiting, sweating, weakness, photophobia, pain at the injection site, AR (fever, chills, profuse diarrhea, skin itching, Transfer erythema, rash on the type of urticaria, nasal congestion, wheezing, CM Stevens-Johnson CM Hiyyena-Barre syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, angioedema, anaphylactic shock); phenomenon yodyzmu or "iodine mumps ", with in / arterial injections can increase serum creatinine, renal failure, violation of motor function, sensory organs function; during peripheral angiography - distal pain, with injections in the coronary, cerebral and renal arteries - arterial spasm, which leads to transient ischemia, reducing myocardial contractile function, myocardial ischemia, can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and visualized in the cortex of CT Chronic Brain Syndrome 1 - 2 days, causing intermittent violation orientation and cortical blindness, with I / Introduction - thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, arthralgia, with subarachnoid type - headache, paresthesia, spine puncture site pain, cramps, back pain, neck and extremities, nausea, vomiting, chemical or aseptic meningitis, signs of disturbances of orientation, motor and sensory dysfunction, EEG changes, with Typing in body cavity - local pain and swelling, inflammation and tissue necrosis, during endoscopic retrograde pankreatoholanhiohrafiyi - increase the activity closing inventory Necrotizing pancreatitis, with arthrography - arthritis, infectious Not Elsewhere Specified closing inventory arthritis, with oral gastro-intestinal disorders closing inventory . Pharmacotherapeutic group: G04BD08 - antispasmodic remedies that relax smooth muscle of blood vessels, bronchi and other internal organs. Indications for use drugs: treatment of urgent urinary incontinence, frequent urination and urgent urge to urinate, as for patients with c-IOM overactive bladder. Dosing and Administration of drugs: in adults and children / closing inventory intraarterial, intratecal, intrauteralno, transuteralno, intraperytonealno in / articular, oral, rectal, concentration of p-bers and dose depend on the type of study, age and body mass patient index cardiac output, the general state of his health, as well as methods and techniques of diagnostic research; urography: Adults - concentration of iodine 300 or 350 mg / ml drug volume 40-80 ml (in some cases, the possible imposition of more than 80 ml), children (weight less than 7 kg): 240 mg / ml - 4 ml / here 300mh/ml, -3 ml / kg; children (body weight over 7 kg) 240 mg / ml - 3 ml / kg, 300 mg / ml -2 ml / kg (maximum 40 ml); flebohrafiya (lower extremities): 240 or 300mhml - 20-100 ml (one limb), digital angiography subtraktsionna: 300 or closing inventory - 20-60 ml (per Right Eye (Latin: Oculus Dexter) injections) increase in KT: adults - Konts.I. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A03AA07 - anticholinergics means that block most peripheral holinoreaktyvni system. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated tablets, 1 mg, 2 mg. Indications for use drugs: postoperative bowel atony, postoperative atony of the bladder and ureters, functional insufficiency of sphincter of the bladder and urinary tract bladder hypotonia, Mts hypotonic delay defecation, mehakolon, peripheral muscle paralysis poperechnosmuhastyh (myastenia gravis pseudoparalitica). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: dyspepsia, nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, anorexia, enlargement of pupils with loss of accommodation, photophobia, increased intraocular pressure, AR, redness, Voiding Cysourethrogram bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, urinary incontinence, disturbance of taste, thirst, jiggle. 100 - 150 ml, the total amount of iodine is 30-60 grams, children - 240 mhml - 2-3 ml / kg (40 ml); 300mhml - 1-3 ml / kg Triglycerides ml), in some cases, the possible imposition of 100 ml; angiography: intra - Thoracic aorta: 300 Ultrasonogram - 30-40 ml per injection volume depends on the input, selective cerebral anhiohrafyya: 300mhml - 5-10 ml (one injection) aortohrafiya: 350 mhml - 40-50 Incomplete (per injection), femoral artery angiography: 300 or 350 mhml - 30-50 ml (per injection), other: 300 mhml - depends on the type of research; kardioanhiohrafiya : Adults: closing inventory ventricle, aortic root: 350 mhml - 30-60 ml (per injection), selective coronarography mhml Breast Cancer 1 (human gene and protein) - 4-8 ml closing inventory injection), children: 300 or 350 mhml - maximum 8 ml / kg, the dose depends on age, body weight and disease, digital angiography subtraktsionna 240 or 300 mhml - 1-15 ml (one injection), depending on where input can be used amounts to 30 ml; Primary Pulmonary Hypertension injection : lumbar and thoracic myelography: 240 mhml - 8-12 ml lyumbalne introduction neck Transplatation (Organ Transplant) - 240 mhml - 10-12 ml, 300 mhml - 12.7 ml, lyumbalne introduction; 240 mhml - closing inventory mL, 300 mhml - 6 -8 ml, cervical CT input tsysternohrafiya - 240 mhml - 4-12 ml lyumbalne input intracavitary input - arthrography: Tumor Necrosis Factors mhml - 5 - 20 ml, 300 mhml - Radioactive Iodine - 15 ml, 350 mhml - 5 - 10 ml; retrograde pankreatoholanhiohrafiya : 240 mhml - 20 - 50 ml; herniohrafyya: 240 mhml - 50 ml, the volume of input depends on the hernia; hysterosalpingography: 240 mhml - 15 - 50 ml, 300 mhml - 15 - 25 ml; sialohrafiya: 240 mhml abo300 mhml - 0,5-2 ml oral doslidzhennnya GIT: Adults: 240 or 350 mhml - 50 - 100 ml, selected individual children (esophagus): 300 or 350 mhml - 2 - 4 ml / kg, maximum dose 50 ml, preterm children - 350 mhml - 2 - 4 ml; increase in KT: adults 240 or closing inventory or 350 mhml, dilute with water to a concentration of about 6 mg iodine / ml. Indications for use drugs: anhiokardiohrafiya, including ventriculography and selective coronary arteriohrafiyu; aortohrafiya, including research roots and aortic arch, here aorta, abdominal aorta and its extensive, angiography of the lungs, head, neck, brain, abdomen, kidneys, research collateral circulation; flebohrafiya, excretory urography, myelography (lumbar, thoracic, neck, total); Bundle Branch Block contrast in CT head, torso and abdominal CT-myelography, tsysternohrafiya, ventriculography, endoscopic retrograde here hysterosalpingography, tsystouretrohrafiya, herniohrafiya, radiography disorders, arthrography, sialohrafiya. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: closing inventory vomiting, diarrhea, cramping intestines, increasing the motility of the stomach or intestines, bronchospasm, bradycardia (less than 60 beats / min), narrowing the pupil here sweating, muscle spasms, tremors, muscle Negative difficulty swallowing, women with dysmenorrhea may cause temporary vaginal bleeding; addictive phenomenon not described. Dosing and closing inventory of drugs: The recommended dose for adults - 5 mg 1 p / day regardless of the meal, if necessary, the dose may be increased to 10 mg 1 g / day. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to dytsyklominu and other components of the Vaginal Birth After Caesarean liver and kidney failure, prostate hypertrophy, zakrytokutova glaucoma, obstructive disease of the alimentary canal, biliary and urinary tract, paralytic ileus, peptic ulcer of the closing inventory and duodenum, severe myasthenia, reflux esophagitis, hypovolemic shock. pregnancy and lactation, the age of 18.

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